Beautiful Destination
Beautiful Destination is a travel-based Instagram account boasting close to 12 million followers who have been attracted by the vibrant and inspiring photo uploads, re-shared from other users’ accounts. Although people and animals do appear in some photos, the emphasis is on breath-taking natural landscapes and impressive architecture.
The photos that Beautiful Destination uploads are undoubtedly remarkable by themselves, however the aspect that sets the account apart from other travel-based Instagram pages like Earthpix, is the detailed description attached to each post. Some feature inspiring stories of how the photo was taken, while others provide insightful facts, quotes, and tips for travelling to the destination presented. For me, this is an important part of any piece of art, as a background story of who took the photo and a bit of information about the content helps to bring the piece to life.
Nevertheless, the one thing all the posts have in common is high quality and originality. Forget the same old photo of Machu Picchu that you’ve seen a thousand times before or that shot of the Taj Mahal from the bench. Beautiful Destinations only sources the most unique and engaging photos, taken from a whole range of different angles and perspectives, using drones, GoPros and long angled lenses.
An addition to Beautiful Desintations that I think could improve it significantly is themes, either weekly or daily. Often, looking through their uploads can make you feel dizzy due to the jumping around of destinations, from a desert scene in Utah to a wintery scene in Bavaria. More consistency, or weekly themes, would make the account a bit more structured and less all-over-the-place.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Detailed descriptions attached to each post
- High quality, original photographs taken from various sources
- Addition of weekly themes to keep account more structured