is database of hostels, featuring over 50,000 listings in more than 7,500 cities that allows you to easily compare prices across a range of different hostel booking websites, from Hostelworld to
The homepage only requires the user to enter their intended destination before taking them through to a new page that shows all results for that particular city and the option to add in more filters to narrow down results. You can easily add preferences, including facilities, neighbourhood, accommodation type and who the property is most suitable for, be it business travellers or those with pets.
There is a useful sidebar on the left that contains a brief overview of the city, as well as nearby cities should you want to stay slightly further out. Once you have chosen a hostel, you will be taken through to the property profile page that contains more detailed information on amenities, fee services, and high quality photos. There is also a Overall Score based on reviews from all the major hostel websites, however there is no option to read the comments from the reviews, meaning it is difficult to get a good idea of people’s experiences beyond the percentage rating on different factors.
After selecting your room type, displays a list of prices from across various booking websites, with the cheapest option at the top and how much you will save compared to the most expensive option. This was great for saving time having to search on lots of different websites, although you are unable to book directly with and instead are redirected to a third-party website to make the reservation.
The ‘Travel Articles’ contain useful information on things such as how to book the cheapest airfare and what to pack for a trip, however there are currently only six articles in total, meaning advice is limited.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Lots of filters to narrow down results and quickly find accommodation that suits your preferences
- Sidebar contains brief summary of the city
- Compares prices across a host of different booking websites
- Cannot read user reviews, only view score
- Travel blog is lacking in content