Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelancers, allowing writers, designers, translators, animators and other creative professionals to offer their services to clients starting at a cost of $5 per job, hence the name of the platform. Freelancers offer ‘Gigs’ that can be bought by registered users, for example the offer of writing a blog post. It takes a couple of seconds to sign up as a freelancer, where you can either use Google or Facebook or enter your email address to register.
In my opinion, one of the best features on Fiverr are the selection of guides that offer businesses advice on how they can use the platform to help grow their company, with everything from boosting visibility with SEO to creating a mobile app. Each post contains an array of information, usually set out in a step-by-step guide, with insider tips interspersed throughout. This helps freelancers as well, as they can discover what businesses look for and tailor their services to fit the requirements.
Another great feature for is the availability of a mobile app, meaning you can continue browsing and applying for jobs, as well as offering ‘Gigs’ while on the move, away from your laptop. This is particularly ideal if you are travelling and do not have somewhere to sit in comfort with a table, as would be required with a computer. The app is free to download and works on iOS and Android.
The downside to using Fiverr is the processing fee, which is how the platform makes its money. All purchases are subject to a $1 USD fee up to and including $20 USD, while there is a 5% charge on purchases over $20. Although this is cheaper than other websites, it can mean sacrificing a significant amount of income. Therefore it may be better to look for alternative ways to get paid.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Wide selection of guides to help businesses and freelancers
- Available on both internet browsers and as a free mobile app
- Get paid securely via the platform
- Processing fee is 5% on purchases over $20 USD