Knowing the weather while travelling is an essential part of planning any trip and, therefore, having a good website where you can quickly find out the forecast, as well as any important weather-related information, is a vital tool. covers both of these aspects, providing news and weather forecasts worldwide on its easy-to-navigate platform.
Its homepage features a range of different relevant articles, including trending news, recommended stories, gallery of weather from around the globe and a map that allows you to effortlessly explore your area. You can search for your nearest city or simply click ‘Find Me’ that uses your location to give you the most accurate and up-to-date weather information. Details include Wind, Humidity, Dew Point, Pressure and Visibility, while you can view up to ten days of forecast.
My favourite option when viewing the forecast on is the option to view an hourly breakdown of the weather over the next 36 hours, including the temperature and ‘Feels’ temperature that gives an indication of what the weather will feel like in comparison to what it really is. This detailed analysis helps you to plan your day hour-by-hour when out and about, meaning you won’t get caught in the rain after going to an outdoor food festival when the sun was shining.
However, undoubtedly one of the most intriguing features of the website is the ‘Weather In Motion’ section that allows users to view moving weather conditions as shown over an interactive map. By toggling the variety of options on the left hand side, you can change between applying a whole host of different weather layers, including water vapour, wind speed and UV index.
For me, the website could be even better if, at the end of articles, there was a comments section where readers could leave their thoughts and feedback on the featured topic.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Simple to use but containing abundant information, articles and videos
- Detailed hour-by-hour breakdown of weather of next 36 hours
- Ability to view weather in motion by using interactive world map
- No comments section under articles and videos