RVshare is one of the world’s biggest online RV rental marketplaces, offering every type of RV imaginable, from affordable pop-ups to luxury motorhomes.
The website connects RV renters with RV owners, meaning the selection of vehicles is wide-ranging, and the company has a real community feel to it.
After inputting your location and travel dates, you will be taken through to a page featuring a whole host of different options sorted by relevance but which can be changed to show cheapest first, distance from your location or how many it sleeps. For me, however, it is the filters down the left hand side that are the most useful when sorting through results, with the option to set a price range, RV type, min and max year, length, and even whether they allow pets.
As RVshare works much in the same way as Airbnb, there is the ability to ‘Instant Book’ RVs, meaning you do not have to get confirmation from the owner before making a booking, while you can also view verified customer reviews from those who have reserved that particular RV in the past. I found the reviews particularly useful when searching for a vehicle, as often photographs can misrepresent or skew what it is really like. With user reviews you can get an accurate sense of what to expect, something that many professional RV rental companies will not provide.
One of the obvious drawbacks, similar to the problem faced by Airbnb, is due to the fact that anyone can offer their RV for rental, meaning they are not guaranteed to be what they say they are. Reviews are a good indication of what to expect, however new listings will not have any feedback on them, meaning you could be taking a risk by opting to rent it. With a traditional rental company, this problem is largely absent.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Wide-range of different vehicles that can be easily sorted and filtered
- Ability to ‘Instant Book’ vehicles, as well as read detailed specs and user reviews
- New listings may not be exactly what they say they are