I was looking for flights home from travelling from Argentina to the UK, and decided to try Vayama in order to see if it was a website worth using in the future for my travel needs.
The website was well laid out, and no pop up adverts appeared while I used it. I searched for a one way flight from Buenos Aires to London: it didn’t let me search all flights in a certain time (ie all flights in May) to find the cheapest flights. I feel this is a feature that could easily improve the website. It did however let me search for flights 3 days before and after my flight date, which partly redeemed this fault. The initial search itself was a little slow, taking a while to load the results. However, an extremely competitive flight of $407 appeared: it was easy to see which flights included baggage in the pricing, and what amenities the flight had (WiFi, charger, food, etc). It also told you how many flights were available at that price, which helps you know with what urgency you had to book the flight to secure the stated price. Flight delay compensation was offered at a reasonable price of $17.89. I also searched for flights from Buenos Aires to Rio De Janeiro, Paris, and Frankfurt: competitive prices appeared for all destinations.
I tried booking the flight, and everything worked smoothly: there were no extra taxes, baggage fees etc, and I was offered a choice of “basic, premium” packages. The $20 for the premium package allowed you to change the flight details free of charge, which could be useful for someone who wanted to book a cheap flight but wasn’t sure if plans could potentially change. Whilst there is a $100 fee for changing flight details on the basic package (which is free), at least it was transparent and not hidden in the small print: thus, I don´t think this is a problem. All flight payment options were free also, and a wide range of cards were taken.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- good range of airlines
- cheap prices
- no hidden extras
- easy to use website
- no real cons! Could expand departure date options to include “all flights in May or June” etc.