momondo Hotels
What is Momondo Hotels? How can you use Momondo Hotels?
Momondo is a travel metasearch site that searches the nooks and crannies of the internet to find the best offers available at the time, no matter if you’re searching for accommodation, flights, car rentals, or holiday packages.
The global travel search site compares all the best prices and lists them for you to compare easily but you don’t do any bookings or transactions through Momondo directly – instead, your search results are linked directly to the platform you choose and you can complete your booking there. It’s a wonderful platform for travelers to use no matter if they travel frequently or even if it’s once in a while – because who doesn’t want to save a few dollars that can be used elsewhere?
The company, which is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, was founded in 2006. They are managed by KAYAK and are a part of Booking Holidays Inc. They have offices in Berlin, Massachusetts, Lithuania, Miami, London, Brazil, Zurich, Connecticut, Taipei, Sydney, and more. Their platform reaches people all over the world and has proven to be a useful source for over fifteen years.
This website review will focus solely on the hotels aspect of the Momondo website. We’ll get a better understanding of how the platform works, how effective it is, how it compares to other hotel booking sites, whether it’s a trustworthy and reliable platform, and more.
What will you find on the Momondo Hotels website? How easy is it to use the Momondo Hotels website?
When you go to the Momondo website, you land on the flights page. A quick look at the drop down navigation menu on the left hand side of the website you can choose ‘Stays’ which will take you to the hotel aspect of the platform.
Once you’re there, you’ll find a very easy to use platform. There’s a search engine at the very top of the page where there are fields for location, check in and check out dates, and the number of rooms and guests that will be traveling. It’s very straightforward and we will delve more into the booking process in the next section.
As you scroll down the ‘Stays’ page of Momondo, you’ll find sections dedicated to popular stays near you, different varieties of stays to choose from such as hotel, hostel, or resort, a look at favorite hotels around the globe, and travel inspiration which is a section dedicated to industry insights, travel tips, and expert hacks. There’s also a list of the most searched for hotel destinations on Momondo, trending cities for vacation rentals, and best worldwide rentals which suggests hotels in places like Istanbul, Barcelona, and Dubai.
All the information is listed right on the main ‘Stays’ page and it’s just a matter of searching or browsing what’s listed on there.
How can I book a hotel room using Momondo?
Going back to the search engine on the ‘Stays’ page is the best way to book a hotel room using Momondo. Again, a reminder that you won’t actually be making the booking on the Momondo website but instead will be given results which will link you to booking sites.
To determine the ease of use in finding a hotel and the process of using Momondo, I headed to the search engine at the top of the page. Immediately, I like the location field more than other hotel booking sites because in addition to searching by city, you can also search by hotel, airport, address, or landmark. This makes it easy to find accommodation by whatever aspect is most important to you like finding a hotel near an attraction you want to visit and wanting to be as close to it as possible without putting the general city.
For the sake of this review I put Walt Disney World in the location field. It’s important to note that as you type a dropdown of choices that resemble what you mean will appear and you can pick from that. When you pick your check in and check out dates you’ll notice that each date is either green, yellow, or red. The key at the bottom shows that dates highlighted in green are generally cheaper, yellow is average, and red is on the higher side. I picked cheaper dates, Sunday May 15th to Thursday May 19th (2022). Then in the section for room and number of people, I picked one room for two adults.
Once I hit the search button, a list of 2,491 properties popped up. They were automatically sorted by distance from the landmark I chose but I can also choose to view the list by Price (low to high), Price (high to low), Recommended, Hotel Class (highest first), and Review Score.
There are several ways to filter your results to best meet your needs. One, you can choose the particular type or types of accommodation you want shown in your result list. The list is separated into Hotels, Rentals, and Unique Stays. You’ll see the lowest price as well as the number of accommodations that fall under that particular category.
For example, under Hotels you can choose to view the following listings: Aparthotel, Guest House, Hotel, Inn, Motel, and Resort. Under rentals you can choose from Apartment, Bungalow, Condo, Cottage, Homestay, House, and Villa. And under Unique Stays, my choices were only Holiday Park in this instance.
I decided to narrow down my list of 2,491 options by choosing Hotel, Resort, Villa, and Holiday Park. This drastically brought down the results from 2,491 to 854. I then decided to narrow my search results down further by using the filters on the left hand side of the list. There, you are given options such as Hotel Class (1 to 5), Review Score, Price, particular property name or hotel chain, location, and neighborhoods. There are also ways to narrow your results by amenities, style, freebies, and booking providers.
The freebies section is great if you’re looking for accommodation that offers free parking, free breakfast, free internet, free airport shuttle, free cancellation, or more. I also like the option of narrowing down the results by booking provider. Sometimes people prefer platforms such as, Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, or more and this feature lets you only see results that will enable you to book through them.
I decided I would like to further narrow down my results by filtering for places with free parking and which I can book through This brought my list of results down from 854 to 529. Once you find an accommodation you like, you can click on it to be taken to a page with further details. There are photos, an overview, rating, the available rates with booking links, the neighborhood, and reviews left by past guests. You’ll also find a list of amenities and things to keep in mind such as their cancellation policy and their check-in and check-out times.
If you’re good to go, you just click on ‘view deal’ and you’re taken to to complete your transaction. It’s extremely easy to use and I love how they search so many different booking platforms and online deals to get you the best rates.
What will you find on the Momondo Hotels blog?
The Momondo Hotels blog, or their Travel Inspiration section, is filled with industry insights, travel tips, and expert hacks. It’s important to note that this section does not focus solely on hotels but also other travel features like beaches, road trips, and more. The section on Unique Stays is really interesting and has articles on topics like haunted hotels around the world, hotels with the most unbelievable swimming pools, historic hotels, as well as the most unique hotels around the world. You’re sure to find some interesting places to visit and stay in.
Is Momondo Hotels expensive?
All of Momondo’s services are absolutely free to use and there are no additional booking fees or service fees added on by them. Additionally, they never use cookies to track a person’s searches and interests to hike prices.
Does Momondo Hotels have a mobile app?
If you scroll to the very bottom of the ‘Stays’ page on the Momondo website you’ll find a list of links, particularly one titled ‘Mobile’. You are then taken to their mobile app page where you can download the momondo app for iPhone and Android users. The page states that there are additional mobile-only deals and lets you search hundreds of travel sites while on the go.
Some of the benefits of downloading and using the mobile app include searching while on the go, access to exclusive mobile-only deals, immediate alerts on price drops, and the ability to get automatic booking alerts, see your travel plans, and more.
How do you contact someone at Momondo Hotels?
You can contact someone at Momondo by scrolling to the very bottom of the main ‘Stays’ page and clicking on Help & Support under Contact Us. There you’ll find answers to their most frequently asked questions and can most likely find the help you need there. If none of those help, there is an online feedback form where you can contact them. There is no email address or phone number listed on the website nor did any come up on a Google search.
All in all, Momondo Stays (or Hotels) is a great platform. It’s extremely easy to use and you can’t really find any fault directly with them since they only connect you with other travel booking sites.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Travel search site that searches and connects you to hundreds of different platforms
- Has been in the industry since 2006 (over15 years of experience)
- Very easy to use website and you’ll find features such as the main search engine and hotel blog easy to access
- Finding accommodation is extremely easy and there are a lot of features that lets you narrow down your results based on your needs
- Blog is filled with tons of interesting information that you can use to find your next place to visit/ stay
- No additional booking fees or service fees to use Momondo
- Mobile app for iPhone and Android users well laid out
- sliding price bar
- range of rooms for every budget
- Can't book directly through Momondo
- doesn’t offer much more than