What are Momondo Flights? How can you use Momondo Flights?
Momondo is a global travel search site that scours the world wide web for the best prices on travel-related services such as accommodation, car rentals, holiday packages, and our focus in this review flights.
Within minutes, the website finds and compares prices offered by different platforms. And if you’re worried about using an unfamiliar website for your transactions, rest assured that Momondo only finds and compares the different platforms and price ranges available. After you choose one that’s right for you, you click on the Momondo search result to be taken directly to the platform of your choice and complete your booking there.
It’s a wonderful option for travelers to use no matter if they travel frequently or even if it’s once in a while – because who doesn’t want to save a few dollars that can be used elsewhere?
The company, which is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, was founded in 2006. They are managed by KAYAK and are a part of Booking Holidays Inc. They have offices in Berlin, Massachusetts, Lithuania, Miami, London, Brazil, Zurich, Connecticut, Taipei, Sydney, and more. Their platform reaches people all over the world and has proven to be a useful source for over fifteen years.
This website review will focus solely on the flight’s aspect of the Momondo website. We’ll get a better understanding of how the platform works, how effective it is, how it compares to other flight booking sites, whether it’s a trustworthy and reliable platform, and more.
What will you find on the Momondo Flights website? How easy is it to use the Momondo Flights website?
When you go to, the landing page immediately takes you to their website’s ‘Flights’ section. That is one of their main services and you’ll find the platform extremely easy to use.
While we’ll delve into how exactly to book a flight using Momondo in the next section, we do want to cover some of the basics. At the top of the page, you’ll find a pretty straightforward navigation bar. Below that, there are links to the current popular destinations visitors from the US are going to. Then, there is a section on their ‘travel inspiration’ which is basically their travel blog and has articles on great destinations for families or how to book cheap flights. As you scroll further down, you’ll see links to most searched cities and countries (on Momondo), flight deals by destination, and specific articles on how to find cheap flight deals using Momondo.
The entire flights section seems quite easy to use at first glance and there are direct links that any type of traveler would find useful, whether you pick a flight based on popularity or current deals.
How can I book a flight using Momondo?
So, let’s be clear, you can’t actually book a flight on Momondo. You can use Momondo to find cheap flights that other platforms are currently offering, and you can also use it to compare prices between the multiple airlines and platforms available.
Here’s how to find the perfect flight for you using Momondo:
If you know your destination already, then the navigation bar at the top of the flights page is the perfect place to start. You’ll have to input information such as to and from destinations as well as your travel dates. You can also pick whether you need a one-way flight, round trip, what class of flight you prefer (economy is there by default), and whether you have any check-in luggage you’ll be taking with you.
To use as an example, I searched for flights from IAD (Washington, D.C. USA) to DAC (Dhaka, Bangladesh). I searched for a round-trip ticket for one passenger on economy with no check-in luggage. I used the dates December 20th, 2022, to January 10th, 2023 for my example. Note that when picking dates, a drop-down calendar appears; there you can choose whether you want flights on that exact date or if your travel dates are flexible for cheaper options.
You are then taken to your list of results. The first thing that stood out to me was the date/ price chart at the very top. At a glance, you can see if flying on another date is cheaper. You just hover over the date to see the varying prices for your outbound and return flight. This is wonderful if your dates are flexible, and the price point is important to you.
Below that, you’ll see the list of results as well as filters on how they’re presented to you. The default list shows the results by what they consider ‘best.’ This considers the airline, the total travel time, how many stopovers there are, etc. You can also view the list based on the cheapest option first or the option with the least CO2 emissions – this is an amazing feature if you’re trying to be more eco-friendly and reduce your carbon footprint during your travels.
Finally, there’s the list of results for your particular itinerary. You’ll see the airline(s), departure and arrival time for your outbound and return flight, how many stops each way and where, and your total travel time from your departure airport to your destination and the return. They also display the price and the class of ticket, and if you hover over it, you’ll see what benefits are added.
For example, for the IAD to DAC flight I searched for, my best option is an Emirates flight that costs $2,617 for an Eco Flex seat. When I hovered over the price, it showed me that included in that price was a carry-on hand baggage, one checked baggage, pre-reserved seat assignment, how many miles I could earn, and that meal and beverages were included. Refundable tickets are also listed but not highlighted, telling me that while Emirates has refundable tickets, these particular tickets did not qualify.
To the left of the search results, there are additional filters you could apply to narrow down your list according to your needs. For example, you can ask to show results based on number of stops, see tickets with no date change fees, or narrow down flights based on the take-off or landing time. That last one is great if you hate waking up early to go to the airport and would prefer an afternoon or evening flight instead. You can also filter by airline, alliances, airports, flight duration, price, cabin, layover airport, flight quality, aircraft, or booking site.
Once you pick a flight ticket that’s perfect for you, there’s a ‘View Deal’ button, that when clicked takes you directly to the website where the ticket is being offered; this is most often directly the airline. You don’t have to do anything initially as it has all of the details that you put in such as destination, dates, etc. automatically filled. You can then fill in your passenger details, make your payment, and get an emailed flight confirmation from the platform or airline you choose directly. Other than gathering the information and displaying it to you in an easy to compare list, Momondo does not collect any payment information or issue any flight tickets on their website.
Momondo proved to be extremely easy to navigate and the results were straightforward, easy to read, and I loved that when it redirects you to the airline website or booking site, you don’t have to put your information again.
Is it safe to book flights using Momondo?
You will not be booking any flights on or with Momondo. You can only use Momondo as a tool to find flights and deals offered at the moment by airlines and other booking sites. Momondo is just a platform for you to easily find these deals, compare prices, and pick a flight that is right for you. And in that way, Momondo is extremely safe to use and does not require any of your personal information.
What will you find on the Momondo Flights blog?
The Momondo Flights blog, or their Travel Inspiration section, is filled with industry insights, travel tips, and expert hacks. It’s important to note that this section does not focus solely on flights but also on other travel features like hotels, attractions, road trips, and more.
They have some interesting flight-related articles on their blog. For example, you may have noticed that one of the ways you can filter your flight results is by CO2 emissions, which again, is fabulous if you’ve been more eco-conscious lately and want to reduce your carbon footprint without impeding on your travel plans. One of the articles on their blog, How the Least CO₂ Sorter Works, delves into how CO2 emissions are calculated, how they impact the climate, and how they use this tool to find flights for you. You’ll also find articles on their blog like ‘Tips and tricks for finding more sustainable flights’ and ‘25 essential tips for traveling with kids’.
It’s a great resource and is fun to check out even if you don’t have any pending travel plans.
Is Momondo Flights expensive?
All of Momondo’s services are absolutely free to use and there are no additional booking fees or service fees added on by them. Additionally, they never use cookies to track a person’s searches and interests to hike prices.
If you’re wondering how Momondo makes money, it’s from a referral fee they receive when users successfully book a flight on the website that you’re redirected to. These referral fees are paid by their partners and are never charged as a commission or fee from the user.
Does Momondo Flights have a mobile app?
If you scroll to the very bottom of the Momondo website you’ll find a list of links, particularly one titled ‘Mobile’. You are then taken to their mobile app page where you can download the Momondo app for iPhone and Android users. The page states that there are additional mobile-only deals and lets you search for hundreds of flights from the palm of your hand.
Some of the benefits of downloading and using the mobile app include searching while on the go, access to exclusive mobile-only deals, immediate alerts on price drops, and the ability to get automatic booking alerts, see your travel plans, and more.
How do you contact someone at Momondo Hotels?
You can contact someone at Momondo by scrolling to the very bottom of the home page and clicking on Help/ FAQ under Contact Us. There you’ll find answers to their most frequently asked questions and can most likely find the help you need there. If none of those help, it will give you the link to an online feedback form where you can contact them. There is no email address or phone number listed on the website nor did any come up on a Google search.
Overall, Momondo’s flights section proves to be extremely easy to maneuver. They’ve got some great features such as showing you cheaper flights on alternative days or only finding flights with a certain departure/ arrival time. The website is very straightforward, there are no hidden fees, and you can confidently book your next flight directly on the airline website or flight booking website that they’ve redirected you to.

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.
- Searches the web to find the best prices and offers for flights (as well as other services)
- No payment or transaction is done on Momondo; instead, you browse the results and are then linked to the platform of your choosing to complete your booking
- Founded in 2006; over 15 years of experience in the industry
- The platform reaches people all over the world; offices in Berlin, London, Sydney, Miami, etc.
- Straightforward navigation bar that easily searches for flights
- Easy links to currently popular and most-searched destinations
- A travel blog with informative articles like ‘how to book cheap flights,’ etc.
- One platform to easily compare prices between multiple airlines and flight booking sites
- Can filter results based on your needs, such as a particular airline, flight departure time, or even CO2 emissions
- Hover tool that shows you flights before and after the date you chose so you can see if there is anything cheaper available
- Automatically fills out the information you put in when taking you to the booking site link, so you don’t have to refill forms
- Does not collect or save any personal information so completely safe to use
- Mobile app for Android and iPhone with exclusive mobile-only deals, immediate alerts on price drops, the ability to get automatic booking alerts, see your travel plans, and more
- Informative Help/ FAQ page that answers almost any questions you have and lets you access and amend your booking immediately; links to online feedback form if you need further assistance
- Doesn’t actually allow you to book the flight through Momondo; instead linking you directly to the airline or flight booking site
- There are no email addresses or phone numbers that lets you connect with Momondo customer service directly; you have to use their Help/ FAQ page or fill out their online feedback form and wait for them to get back to you